2019 February session
Monday, 18 February 2019 -
Monday, 18 February 2019
Detectors for electron microscopy. A brief review on the electronic detectors for EM: state-of-the-art
Francesco Sarri
Detectors for electron microscopy. A brief review on the electronic detectors for EM: state-of-the-art
Francesco Sarri
09:00 - 09:20
Graphene-baed sensors and devices
Eugenio Damiano
Graphene-baed sensors and devices
Eugenio Damiano
09:20 - 09:40
State-of-the-art of Time-Of-Flight-detectors
Eugenio Damiano
State-of-the-art of Time-Of-Flight-detectors
Eugenio Damiano
09:40 - 10:00
Laser-driven plasma-based electron accelerators
Arta Sulaj
Laser-driven plasma-based electron accelerators
Arta Sulaj
10:00 - 10:20
Solid-state position sensitive detectors: the APIDE sensor
Arta Sulaj
Solid-state position sensitive detectors: the APIDE sensor
Arta Sulaj
10:20 - 10:40
Laser Spectroscopy of Muonic Atoms and Ions
Marco Chiappini
Laser Spectroscopy of Muonic Atoms and Ions
Marco Chiappini
10:40 - 11:00
Time-Of-Flight detectors based on multiple scintillation counters readout by SiPM
Marco Chiappini
Time-Of-Flight detectors based on multiple scintillation counters readout by SiPM
Marco Chiappini
11:00 - 11:20
Non-linear optics in hollow-core photonic band-gap fibers
Antonio Vigilante
Non-linear optics in hollow-core photonic band-gap fibers
Antonio Vigilante
11:20 - 11:40
State-of-the art of Micro Channel Plate (MCP) sensors: applications and perspectives
Antonio Vigilante
State-of-the art of Micro Channel Plate (MCP) sensors: applications and perspectives
Antonio Vigilante
11:40 - 12:00
Beta-detecting probes for Radio-Guided Surgery
Michelangelo Biondi
Beta-detecting probes for Radio-Guided Surgery
Michelangelo Biondi
12:00 - 12:20
Recent advances in two-dimensional materials beyond graphene
Francesco Sarri
Recent advances in two-dimensional materials beyond graphene
Francesco Sarri
12:20 - 12:40
State-of-the-art of MCP (micro channel plate) sensors: applications and perspectives
Antonio Vigilante
State-of-the-art of MCP (micro channel plate) sensors: applications and perspectives
Antonio Vigilante
12:40 - 13:00